If for whatever reason you need to upload a new or replacement form for an existing registration, this page will explain the process.
First, you must log in to your account and navigate to the account detail page by clicking "My Account"
Scroll down a bit, and under "Participants" you will see your player:

Click the Edit icon next to the player's name. This will bring you to the player detail page. Now scroll down to the document you need to upload. I'll use Birth Certificate for an example, but it will work the same for whichever doc or docs you need to upload. If you have already uploaded a document and it needs to be replaced, you will see the document in the field like:

Click the Delete icon next to the file. You will now see an upload button like:

Click the Upload button and follow the instructions to upload the new file. Once completed, click the Update button at the bottom of the page.
As usual, if you have any questions, contact our Registrar
Evan Stitt.